
Prices per week (All taxes, cleaning , pool maintenance, use of towels and bed sheets included)

High saison

01/07 tem 31/08


Mid saison

15/05 tem 30/06 en 01/09 tem 15/10


Low saison

01/04 tem 14/05 en 16/10 tem 31/10


looking for winter in Greece send an Email !

Payment terms

  • 30% prepayment with acknowledgement of reservation
  • full payment 30 days before arrival
  • reservations less then 30 days upon arrival will require full payment  
  • in case payment will not arrive 30days upon aival, we reserve the right to cancel the reservation


  • prepayments will not be returned
  • in case of cancellation within 30 days upon arrival 100% payment will be required
  • early leave gives no right on return payment